Vinyl – the stuff of life, for sign makers.
What a dilemma when you call your usual vinyl supplier and not only has the price rocketed over the past twelve months, because oil based products and the factories that vinyl products are manufactured require huge amounts of energy, prices for all these commodities have risen exponentially ….. but is the vinyl actually available to complete that fleet job or that retail outlet project?
Premium Vinyl Supplies in UK
There are many varieties of vinyl available in the Uk today from Monomeric calendered vinyl or Polymeric vinyl right through to high quality cast vinyl, wrapping vinyl and the all important printing media. The continuous supply of these products, with consistent quality is imperative for all professional sign makers, so how can we ensure that these supplies keep flowing when raw materials, production facilities and distribution all have major challenges in the current economic situation? The Vinyl Corporation has been distributing vinyl products throughout the UK for the past thirty five years, during this time very strong relationships have been established with manufacturers, importers, distributors and larger sign making organisations and more recently with SME’s and crafters as well as crafting wholesalers.
Check In Advance
Always confirm in advance whether the necessary vinyl is accessible and how much these materials cost, as prices are going up… not as significantly as gasoline, Heinz goods, or Lurpak However, the manufacture and distribution of vinyl as well as the items made from it are interconnected with all of these products. So it’s worth visiting
Should this prove challenging to establish if the vinyl is available at the price point that you are seeking then there is a dedicated help desk on 0115 930 1133 where The Vinyl Corporation’s friendly, knowledgeable staff will be more than willing to resolve any problems and source the correct grade and colour of vinyl required for your current project.