Category Archives: Uncategorized

Face Coverings : Branded Promotional Products?

apply text to face mask

With the gradual release of the lockdown and the strict safety rules governing social distancing and face covering in certain public settings there are certain opportunities for companies,charities and organisations to promote their existence and their services on everybody’s face! With the compulsory wearing of face coverings, not necessarily a medical face mask, as the […]

WHERE, WHEN and HOW did the noble ART of vinyl signwriting begin?

vinyl machine

When the very first vinyl sign was produced is a matter of debate, However, by 1939 road signs had started to appear in America, but unfortunately the adhesive structure was such that they were not sufficiently durable to withstand the inclement weather in North America, the overlay film that was used to protect these reflective […]


covid socially distanced poster

  One of the main tools we have to ensure that staff and clients remain at a safe distance and remain free from catching the virus is SDS – Social Distancing Signage, as it has been found that visual communications are the number one reminder for maintaining the distance and staying safe.Wall signs whether printed […]

Lockdown lingo – are you fully conversant with the new terminology?


*Coronacoaster* The ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is “an emotional coronacoaster”. *Quarantinis* Experimental cocktails mixed from whatever random ingredients you have left in the house. The boozy equivalent of a store cupboard supper. Southern Comfort and Ribena […]


fitting vinyl film

Preparation to apply vinyl self adhesive graphics and decals will evoke many opinions and theories as to “the definitive method” to prepare, place and finish this process. After thirty five years of being around and supplying some of the innovators,originators and some might say legends, tipping a respectful nod to the late, great Mr.J.Leadley, in […]

What Is Self Adhesive Vinyl?

how to apply vinyl film

Self-adhesive vinyl is a thin flexible material that is commonly used to make colourful and eye-catching signs and graphics. Self-adhesive vinyl is waterproof and suitable for indoor and outdoor application, it can also withstand temperatures up to 75 °C. Self-adhesive vinyl is a versatile material that can be cut into various different shapes and sizes. […]