Category Archives: General

TOP SIX TIPS on “How to successfully Wrap a Vehicle”

avery red vinyl on car

VEHICLE WRAPPING Whether you have chosen to colour change a vehicle, or apply a full colour Solvent Digitally printed Wrap, the process and method are still the same in order to complete a successful Vinyl Wrap – Here are “SIX OF THE BEST” Tips for all Vinyl WrappersSTEP 1   PLAN, MEASURE and CHECK Estimating […]


glitter holographic vinyl film

HEAVY METAL GLITTER and EXTRA SPARKLE VINYL SIGN SUPPLIES and the SIGN TRADE SUPPLIERS are constantly scouring the VINYL PRODUCERS of the World to produce the Individual, the Unique and the Eye catching SPECIALITY METALLISED VINYL FILM. The demand is driven by many varied markets from the Automotive Industry to the Retail Shop fitters to […]

Everything you need to know about blackout window vinyl

window film shades chart

Imagine the scene. You’re just settling down for a much-needed afternoon nap, you shut the blinds, tuck yourself up, close your eyes and find that there’s light still pouring in through the window, seeping in through your blind, making it impossible for you to enjoy some good old shut eye! Most shades, blinds or curtains […]

Your guide to choosing the right type of vinyl for your signs

gloss vinyl text

Vinyl is widely used in the sign-making industry. There are many types of vinyl, and each comes with a unique quality that makes it better for use in some situations than others. However, regardless of the type, vinyl is ideal for sign-making because of its durability. It can last for around five years when used […]

WHAT IS SOLVENT DIGITAL PRINTING? INKS ? MEDIA or VINYL? . . . . Everything you wanted to know, But . . . . . . .

vinyl printer

PRINT MEDIA FOR SOLVENT INKJET PRINTERS Prior to examining the type of media that should be used as the substrate it is imperative to assess the type of INK that is to be sprayed through the PRINT HEADS on the SOLVENT INKJET PRINTER.There are many varieties of ink used for DIGITAL PRINTING from SOLVENT, ECOSOLVENT, […]


tools for sign vinyl application

Sign Vinyl Fitting Instructions Fitting of Sign Vinyl Graphics Step 1 The most important part of Graphic Application is PREPARATION! Ensure that the surface is suitable and clean, using RAPID PREP (30), and if necessary the Q.R TOOL TOOL to remove any impurities from the surface. ALL WAX, OIL, SILICONE OR POLISH MUST BE REMOVED […]