Monthly Archives: January 2018

Q:”Where do Professional Sign Makers buy their Sign Vinyl and Digital Printing Media?”

vinyl film on train

A: The Vinyl Corporation The Vinyl Corporation has been supplying SIGN MAKING VINYL and Vinyl cut lettering to the Sign Trade for over thirty years, within that time many self-adhesive vinyl films have been sampled, tested and evaluated, from all over the World, leading to the unbeatable line up of products that are on offer today. From […]

RED REFLECTIVE VINYL – Dark Winter nights – Be Seen, Be Safe!

vinyl on a bicycle

Safety and Visibility    Reflective Self Adhesive Vinyl Graphics and Marking tape has always been incorporated in the livery of front line Emergency Vehicles and the Blue light services, However, more recently the value and benefits of using Reflective Vinyl to make other road users more visible and therefore more able to stay safe, from the Chapter 8 regulations […]

HOW TO SELECT the correct Digital Printing Vinyl . . . . .

orajet 3164 vinyl

Choosing the RIGHT VINYL When embarking on a Digital printing project, where SELF ADHESIVE SIGNAGE is to be applied to a vehicle or substrate, it is critical that the correct grade of SOLVENT PRINTING VINYL is selected to match the requirements and exceed the expectations placed on the SELF ADHESIVE PRINTING VINYL. Firstly which brand of vinyl […]

When to use ORACAL 651 v ORACAL 751 . . . Or ORAJET 3164?

vinyl of dog grooming salon

CAST VINYL One of the most frequently asked questions that we receive, here at The Vinyl Corporation, is: “which self-adhesive sign vinyl can you recommend for use on a boat?” otherwise referred to as MARINE GRADE VINYL, the answer is ORACAL 751 or ORACAL 951 for even more complex shapes and curves, these are higher grade CAST VINYLs that […]